+34 938 41 40 77 info@iscat.es
Multilingual students 🗣

Multilingual students 🗣

ISCAT is an International School which follows the British National Curriculum. Our aim is for our students to become confident, fluent English communicators. 🇬🇧 We do however have great respect for and emphasise the importance of all other languages, least not our...


Our EYFS and Primary students offered last Tuesday, 20th December their own repertoire in the form of a traditional Carol Service at the Plaça Can Dachs. 🎶 Many families also came along and also joined in with well-known carols to start off this year’s Winter Appeal....
Getting ‘Future-Ready’ at Fira Barcelona! 

Getting ‘Future-Ready’ at Fira Barcelona! 

Today our key stage 4 and key stage 5 students visited @@saloensenyament taking place at the Fira Barcelona. This is the largest academic exhibition in Barcelona, uniting universities, colleges, and professional schools under one roof, to facilitate young people’s...
“Perfect Bodies”

“Perfect Bodies”

On March, our Year 9 students had the opportunity to participate in a workshop offered by the C17 – Plan Supramunicipal de Prevención de Drogas y Promoción de la Salud, ton the subject of ‘Perfect Bodies’. Students focused on the reality they see...
We Love Role Play!

We Love Role Play!

What is it about Role Play that engages them for long periods of time? It’s really quite simple… children are naturally creative and seek to explore, imitate and find new experiences. Many psychologists over the years have referenced the need to provide...
Engineers of the Future!

Engineers of the Future!

In Topic Year 6 have been learning about the safety features added to buildings in earthquake risk zones. They split into groups and designed and made their own buildings, adding features that they thought would help make their buildings earthquake proof. We then...